Fall Is For Networking

It's conference season my friends! 

I had no idea fall was the time for conferences.  But, it’s true. Apparently, it is a whole ass season. 

This year, I was thrilled to kick off my travel with a trip to Denver for the Financial Therapy Association annual conference (#FTAC2022). Wow, wow, wow! I was buzzing and keyed up for days after I got home, filled with ideas and memories of fruitful conversations.

There is so much to say about my time, but what it all boils down to is how I felt like I was exactly where I needed to be and affirmed in my work as a financial therapist. 

I am uncertain why, but I had been navigating a level of insecurity. Imposter Syndrome had reared its ugly head more than I care to admit about putting myself out there more frequently. Thankfully, after just one day I could feel it all dissolving away. I felt so seen and understood. Who I was, my messaging, and delivery were all celebrated. I didn’t know I needed that specific kind of support from my peers. 

Turns out I did, and I flourished because of it.

If you find yourself questioning whether or not you should go to that conference- you know…the one that involves your passion --the answer is a resounding YES. Go! Working for yourself can be amazing, but you can quickly feel like you are working in silos or shouting into the void. The comradery and connection that takes place at conferences can be a cure-all. 

So, once you book your ticket and make your arrangements, here are 4 tips to prep you to get the most out of your conference: 

  1. Write down your goals for the conference: At the end of each day,  revisit your goals and jot down any major points you want to remember. Give yourself a minute to let any ideas flow- make sure to capture them.

  2. Look up the schedule beforehand, make note of where you want to be and what is a “can’t miss” for you. With everything being digital, it can be a challenge to quickly read all the happenings while you are on the move between sessions. 

  3. With that being said, leave time to take care of yourself and to network. Do not spend the whole time in sessions. Make sure you take care of your basic needs, leaving time for lunch, etc. And give yourself time to get lost in conversation with other people. One of my favorite moments from this recent conference was a lunch conversation that was completely perspective-shifting for me. 

  4. Pack your essentials for the day: anything can happen at a drop of a dime, so be ready to take advantage of the opportunities. Water, business info, resume: whatever you will need to feel comfortable and prepared.

So, what are you waiting for? After all, ‘tis the season… conference season that is!


Recession to be or not to be?